Monday 29 October 2012

Being a Fail

Hey there!

I'm really sorry for the sudden and long absence. I assumed that when I started back at university I would be able to commit my free time to creating ZHPS comics weekly, but I have been incredibly busy and my free time has been few and far between. As the creator, lineartist AND colourist, it takes me a long time to create a single comic and my schedule has been so full that I have been completely unable to keep up.

I don't intend to abandon this project completely and I will create comics when I can. Sorry for being so useless, and I hope you are all enjoying Pandaria!

Peace out!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Launch of the Pandas

With the arrival of the Pandaren in Azeroth and the freshers at my uni, ZHPS is taking a hiatus for this week. Happy levelling, and we'll see you next Wednesday!


Wednesday 19 September 2012

That's What Guilds Are For

I remember meeting Peng and wondering how the abuse could be friendly. I now laugh at how naive I was...

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Daily Grind

I've always been terrible at sticking to my dailies. "Just a few more quests... for now...". Why do they always have to put such good rewards on such mind-numbingly dull requirements? :P

Thursday 6 September 2012


I received lots of feedback from reddit yesterday when I inflicted my comic upon them, so here are some updates, changes and announcements!

New Comic Weekly
Now that I have a few completed comics, I will be sticking to a weekly schedule. You will find a new comic released every Wednesday. Keep an eye out!

I have never been happy with the name Fail Priest. It felt very unoriginal, but I expected that it would only have a few followers so I didn't worry too much. However, it has received a much larger response than I had anticipated, and especially following a comment yesterday pointing out what a mundane name it is I decided it had best change sooner rather than later.
So, step aside Fail Priest and welcome Zero Healing per Second (ZHPS)! I will be slowly changing everything associated with Fail Priest to be ZHPS, so I hope you didn't all get too attached to the name *guilty face*,

Art Style
As mentioned above, I didn't expect so many people to view and follow my comic, so I've been left feeling a little embarrassed by some of the artwork featured in it! (check out my deviantART and you'll see it's enormously simplified compared to my normal style)
I will be spending a little more time on them from now on now that I have a week in between submissions, and if you keep a look out you'll see my existing comics get a facelift.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Gold Farming

Ever get those days where you are willing to sit there all day doing whatever it takes to make gold?

Never seems to end well for me o.0

Wednesday 29 August 2012


I thought I was being so clever when I had this idea... that was until I slowly landed on Onyxia o.0

Anyone else done this?

Monday 27 August 2012

Meeting Meeble

Oh come on, I can't be the only one who struggles to fight the urge to hug every feral druid I meet!

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Duel

Dueling has always been a disappointment for me. Far, far too many sheep...